The Association of Oil Marketing Companies (AOMC) has taken a proactive stance to enhance the petroleum retail industry in Ghana by conducting a comprehensive mystery shopping program in the Ashanti Region on July 19th and 20th, 2024. The initiative, led by AOMC CEO/Industry Coordinator Dr. Riverson Oppong and supported by the Head, Compliance & Operations Tizard Ansah and Compliance Officers Billey Al-Assad and Courage Agblevor, aimed to meticulously evaluate various aspects of Petroleum Retail Outlets and LPG refilling plants. The focus was on ensuring compliance with industry standards for safety, customer service, and best practices and also help elevate the standards for overall operations at members facilities.

Beyond the usual checks on fuel pumps and dispensers, the team delved into customer experience, assessing staff friendliness, knowledge, and professionalism. The cleanliness and maintenance of both customer service areas and tank farms were also scrutinized.

Safety was a paramount focus. Thus, the team observed staff adherence to safety protocols, including the use of proper gear and the availability of essential safety equipment like fire extinguishers and spill kits. Compliance with National Petroleum Authority (NPA) guidelines was strictly monitored.

To gain deeper insights into the industry’s challenges, the AOMC team engaged with Station managers of various inspected facilities to understand the challenges they encounter in their business operations. This engagement aimed to gather insights into operational difficulties and areas needing improvement.

The AOMC is committed to using the findings from this inspection to improve and transform the industry by working closely with member Ashanti Region Petroleum Retail Outlets and LPG refilling plants to address identified shortcomings, developing training programs to enhance customer service, product knowledge, and safety awareness among staff and disseminating successful strategies and lessons learned across the entire downstream petroleum industry.

By prioritizing Customer experience, Compliance and Standards adherence, Operational efficiency, Employee performance and Risk management, the AOMC aims to create a benchmark for the industry. That being said we can say that during our mystery shopping program in Ashanti Region, we observed a notable increase in compliance levels across the board. This improvement highlights the commitment of petroleum retail outlets and LPG refilling plants to adhere to industry standards, ensuring better service, safety, and operational practices. The progress made underscores the effectiveness of our initiative and sets a positive precedent for continued advancement in the industry.

This initiative is expected to benefit consumers through improved service, a safer environment, ensure a positive fueling experience.and consistent quality standards across all fuel stations and LPG refilling plants.

AOMC believes that a well-regulated and efficient petroleum downstream sector contributes to economic growth by boosting consumer confidence and attracting investments which eventually would lead to increased employment opportunities as fuel stations and refilling plants strive to meet higher operational requirements. This mystery shopping program sets a new benchmark for the industry, encouraging continuous improvement among Petroleum Retail Outlets and LPG refilling plants.

Dr. Oppong’s leadership in this endeavor underscores the AOMC’s dedication to fostering a responsible and thriving petroleum downstream industry in Ghana.

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